
Eco-friendly production is our main principle

I'm not a chemist. And I cannot subscribe or deny the above facts. But glass cannot decompose. Glass consists of quartz glass, lime and soda. The only thing that can cause glass to decompose in the ground is strong chemical influences that do not occur in normal soil. Glass may sooner, under the influence of, for example, water, "grind" over time, but this is also a very long process, since glass is usually very smooth. How many thousands, or rather millions, of years could it take for glass to become sand again?

Our reality is that not every city has collection points for glass containers. Waste processing facilities are negligible. Most of the used bottles, cans, window glass and other glass are simply taken out to landfills. Garbage dumps are growing, taking away our territory, every day, 365 days a year.

We are all gradually getting used to what is a part of life for the rest of the world. Acquiring new habits. Do not take a plastic bag from the store, sort the trash, put aside batteries so that you can take them to a hypermarket later, do not use disposable dishes, be more thrifty. Let the habit of not throwing glass in the trash, as well as sorting trash in general, will be passed on to our children. And for them it will be normal and natural.

Our friends are ready to save up glass containers in order to give them to us, and not throw them into the garbage chute.

We do not count recycled bottles and glass in general. Our contribution is more than modest. However, we believe that we will find the niche that will be really in demand, and thereby increase the production capacity for processing more glass. We strive to do really creative, beautiful, high-quality things. We hope that our common contribution will be more significant.

Using existing raw materials is an important and fundamental task of modern production. The main eco-trend in the world.

The design of bars and restaurants, guest houses and hotels in the style of eco-design has long been hyper-popular abroad. And we invite owners of restaurant, hotel and tourism businesses to cooperate. We have a professional designer-architect in our team. We can handle any task!